After stepping into the magical world of Princess Ariel last week, the beloved youth icon was seen celebrating ‘The Little Mermaid’ at a special theme-inspired party with little girls. With lots of cakes, hugs, and love, Janhvi Kapoor indeed relived her childhood and shared a sneak peek of the magical world of Princess Ariel with her fans.
She says, “My Friends, Khushi, and I have grown up watching and reading about Disney Princesses and Princess Ariel is one of my absolute favorites! I just love her colorful, fun spirit and how she goes about achieving her dreams. I cannot wait to watch the film and relive my childhood with my girlfriends!”
Disney India is set to release ‘The Little Mermaid’ on May 26th, 2023, in English, captivating audiences in theatres with its wondrous tale.
Also Read: Sir, Ap Aage Aaiye While the photographers asked her to turn and pose, Janhvi Kapoor spoke to them