Bollywood Society ยป Which movie has the highest IMDb rating in Amazon Prime?

Which movie has the highest IMDb rating in Amazon Prime?

by Ratan Srivastava
Amazon Prime

Selecting a weekend movie has always proven to become the most challenging task. You’ve been watching movies for hours and yet still can’t pick which one to see. So this weekend, we’re keeping things easy for you. The following is a list of the highest-rated movies on Amazon Prime according to IMDB.

So, what do you have to lose? Simply take charge of choose what movie to watch this time.

1.           THE PRESTIGE (IMDB RATING: 8.5)

Christopher Nolan obviously understands the importance of keeping his audience glued to their seats until the very end. He is a director who believes that a film should have a beginning, middle, and conclusion, but not in that sequence. One of his masterpieces is The Prestige. Alfred Borden (Bale) is suspected of assassinating his professional partner.

Rupert Angier, a competitor (Jackman). The plot centres around their furious rivalry, the sacrifices a magician takes in order to do his acts, and some terrifying truths about their society. It’s a clever parallel for the hazards of stardom, to be sure. There isn’t a single point in the movie where you won’t be engrossed in it.


A critic has brilliantly characterised the film as “good and evil in each other’s masks.” The Departed is indeed a Martin Scorsese film about two guys trying to live a conventional existence that is the polar opposite of their inner selves. While good and evil have switched masks, they are still under continual fear of being destroyed. Leonardo DiCaprio portrays the primary characters.


Django Unchained is a movie that delivers fantastic sequences following sensational sequences. Quentin Tarantino crafted this work of art, and he had the audience’s attention from the first scene. One of the slaves, according to Schultz (Christopher Waltz), will be useful to him. Django is the slave in question (Jamie Foxx). This plot now centres around these two individuals who appear to be diametrically opposed but have a lot in common. There is no turning back in this movie, and it will have you glued to your seats until the very end. This will be your go-to watch for the weekend!

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