Karan Johar took to Instagram to extend heartfelt congratulations to Jibraan Khan, the talented actor who began his Bollywood journey as a child artist in Johar’s iconic film ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’ (K3G).
Sharing the character reveal poster of Jibraan’s role ‘Sahir’ from his upcoming film ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’, Karan Johar expressed, “Congratulations @ibraan.khan from K3G to ISHQ VISHK! All my blessings and love.”
Jibraan Khan’s transition from a child actor in ‘K3G’ to a prominent role in ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’ has garnered significant attention and excitement among fans. The unveiling of his character poster received an overwhelming response, further amplifying anticipation for his performance in the upcoming thriller.
Directed by Nipun Avinash Dharmadhikari, ‘Ishq Vishk Rebound’ promises to showcase Jibraan Khan’s evolution as an actor, captivating audiences with his nuanced portrayal of Sahir. With Karan Johar’s blessings and the fervent support of fans, Jibraan Khan is poised to charm audiences once again on the big screen.