Comedy, Action, Romance, Thriller, and Drama, according to Statistics, are the most successful commercial film genres in India, followed by Horror and Science Fiction. The Masala cinema genre, however, is the most widely used commercial genre in Bollywood. Drama, action, humour, romance, and melodrama, as well as musical performances, are all freely mixed in this genre. The movies mentioned below are some of India’s most well-known that will deliver and represent the types of Bollywood movies-
The Indian Bollywood film ‘2.0’ is the most costly to date. The film has an estimated budget of $80 million and is in Tamil.
The storey revolves around a humanoid robot and a former ornithologist who are at odds. Who wants revenge on cell phone users in order to keep the avians’ numbers from dwindling?
From Tamil to Hindi, a handful of India’s most famous and highly acclaimed films span various genres and languages.
The film, directed by S. Shankur, told the storey of an honourable veteran of the Indian Army. He intends to target corrupt authorities in order to teach them a lesson. Indian went on to be one of the highest-grossing films in India. There are five prizes in all.
3 Idiots
3 Idiots is a comedy about coming of age that was released in 2009. Just at time, the Bollywood film was extremely unusual for an Indian film. And it has been appreciated for its unusual and unconventional concept. 3 Idiots is a film directed by Rajkumar Hirani about college mates and their search for a long-lost buddy who has eluded them for a long time. The movie went on to win 16 of the 27 Oscars it was nominated for, including best director and best film. Let us know your comments on the article.
Also Read: How big is India’s Bollywood film industry?- Tap to know