Percy Jackson & the Olympians (commonly known as Percy Jackson) is a two-part movie franchise centred on Rick Riordan’s novel series of the same name. The series was created by 1492 Pictures as well as distributed by 20th Century Fox in two episodes. Chris Columbus directed the first movie, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010), which was released on February 12, 2010. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, the second episode, was initially set to be released in March 2013 but was pushed back to August 7, 2013, and was directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Despite the fact that the movie franchise was supposed to correspond here to five novel book series, as well as the second picture lay the groundwork for a third, no more movies were produced. There at the global movie office, the reduced series has generated roughly $430 million.
The movies chronicle the exploits of demigod Percy Jackson as well as his companions at Camp Half-Blood, a demigod training centre. Percy had to save his mother from the underworld but also establish his innocence after he is accused of stealing thunderbolt off Zeus in the very first movie.
Percy’s adventures inside the second movie concentrate upon his quest to obtain the famous Golden Fleece from Sea of Monsters, also known as that of the Bermuda Triangle, which is really the only item that can save the camp from powers of evil.
On December 12, 2019, author Rick Riordan announced on Twitter that he would have begun discussions about Disney regarding a potential adaptation, but it was “far too early to tell what, if anything, would happen,” but that he would “keep at it.” Riordan stated on Twitter on May 14, 2020, that Disney will produce a live-action television series based upon that series’ plot, with the very first season adapting The Lightning Thief.
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