Bekhudi is a Bollywood action drama film written and directed by Rahul Rawail and featuring Kamal Sadanah and Kajol. It was released in 1992. (in their acting debut). Its plot focuses on Rohit (Sadanah) as well as Radhika (Kajol), who are trying to overcome their families’ opposition to their romance.
The plot of the movie ‘Bekhudi’-
Gupta’s son, Rohit, is a law student. In a flying device contest, Rohit defeats Rocky. Rocky’s sister, Radhika, joins the very same university as Rohit with her brother. Rohit encounters Radhika at college as well as the two fall madly in love. Rocky confronts the assessor and hits the dean once he is found cheating on it as an examination.
Rocky gets charged with a crime, and Gupta sentences him to seven days in jail and expulsion from the college. Rocky’s sentencing to jail is kept hidden from Radhika by his mother and father. Radhika’s aunt arrives from Edmonton and informs Radhika’s parents of her desire to marry Radhika to Vicky in America. Radhika informs her aunt that she is too young for Vicky to marry. When Rohit’s and Radhika’s fathers hear that their children are in love, they agree to talk about marriage.
Rohit had been completely uninformed of the circumstances before the meeting.
Gupta does not meet with Radhika’s father when he returns. Infuriated, Rohit goes to the hotel and fights with Rocky, who dies after falling from the building’s rooftop.
Radhika’s parents hold Rohit responsible for their son’s death, and they plan to marry Radhika to Vicky. Radhika’s parents send her to Canada to be with her aunt since Rohit continues to attempt to meet her. Gupta instructs his son to seek Radhika in Canada. When Rohit lands in Canada, the local hoodlum Rambhau “Rambo” steals his stuff. When Rohit and Radhika meet in Canada, Radhika flees. Rohit and Radhika are looking for a place to live because they only have ten days till Radhika turns 18 and becomes a consenting adult.
When Rohit apprehends them, Rambo leads them to a residence he pretends to own. The next day, Rohit, as well as Radhika, realise Rambo has gone missing and they’ve been living at Vicky’s apartment by mistake. Vicky informs Rohit and Radhika that they really are welcome to live in the house & that he could assist them in marrying on Radhika’s 18th birthday. Vicky’s aunt soon shows up at Vicky’s residence looking for Radhika. When the aunt notices Rohit, he rushes outdoors. Vicky advises the aunt to go to Edmonton, in which she has submitted a missing person case, in order to locate Radhika. Vicky notices Radhika exiting the toilet; Radhika and Rohit apparently having a fantastic time, and Vicky captures it on camera.
Vicky invites Rohit to go on an errand with only one day remaining till Radhika’s birthday. Radhika is concerned and urges Rohit not to abandon her. Rohit assures her that she should have no doubts about Vicky and that he would be back in two hours. Vicky has torn up all of the images in order to eliminate Rohit, leaving just Radhika in them. She dashes downstairs to see both of her parents, as well as Vicky, and learns that the three of them are conspiring to force Radhika to marry Vicky. Vicky informs Rohit he’s marrying Radhika and then beats him up till he passes out. Rambo assists Rohit in reaching the wedding site once Rohit awakes.
Rohit and Vicky are at odds with one another. Vicky assaults Rohit once more and proposes to Radhika. When Radhika realises that Rohit’s life is in jeopardy, she decides to marry Vicky and prepares herself. She invites Rohit to remain and see the wedding she does not desire when he congratulates her on her marriage. Radhika’s parents and aunt are now aware of their error. Vicky becomes furious and declares that if Radhika refuses to marry him, then no one else would. He then pulls out a pistol and fires it. Vicky pursues Rohit and Radhika with a helicopter as they flee. Radhika has a bullet lodged in her shoulder. Vicky’s aircraft crashes when Rohit steals a jet ski. Radhika regains consciousness when Rohit returns. They meet at their respective homes.
Bekhudi was indeed a well-received film by the audience and the career of the actress Kajol’s career took a tremendous take off from this movie. Hope you have a great Bekhudi watch.
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