Numerous flagship Original series has been launched by ZEE5, India’s largest native OTT platform, which has also gone towards becoming popular as well as iconic – including such Abhay, Rangbaaz, as well as Sunflower, among many others. Sutliyan, a family drama featuring Ayesha Raza, Shiv Pandit, Vivaan Shah, as well as Plabita Borthakur, is the next Original series to air. The actors and crew have begun filming, and indeed the show will air later in the year and.
‘Sutliyan’ is indeed a beautiful narrative about a family whose adult children return to their childhood home in Bhopal, India, just before Diwali.
They are loaded with emotional baggage from past as well as unresolved disputes in relationships as individuals experience the difficult, but essential path of emotional and spiritual cleaning when they encounter following years of attempting to come to grips with events.
Sutliyan is indeed a slice-of-life family drama directed by Shree Narrayan Singh as well as produced by Manor Rama Pictures, featuring deep-seated emotional struggle interspersed with lighter comedy and sibling friendliness.
ZEE5 India’s Chief Business Officer, Manish Kalra, stated, “As the country’s largest homegrown digital streaming platform, it is our constant endeavour to provide fresh and relatable stories from our heartland. With Sutliyan, we aim to offer a heart-warming, slice of life family drama which will make you laugh, cry and reunite with your family”.
According to Nimisha Pandey, ZEE5’s Head of Hindi Originals, “Sutliyan is a touching tale of a family with complex inter-personal relationships. This story will not only tug at your heartstrings but also make you cherish the little moments spent with loved ones. At ZEE5, we are passionate about getting you stories that reflect a myriad of emotions. The simplicity of this story is its most beautiful part. It is a story that instils hope and restores your faith in goodness – we all could do with content like that”.
Shree Narrayan Singh, the director, remarked, “I was attracted to this series for one reason – nowadays where emotions in personal life are expressed through emojis, here is a show which was real, and which makes you want to pick up the phone and call your mom or book a ticket home”.
According to Manor Rama Pictures, producers Karan Raj Kohli as well as Viraj Kapur, “Set in a ‘glass-half-full’ post-covid world, Sutliyan is a story of homecoming with ‘threads’ unravelling over Diwali. With this nostalgic series, we want to remind our audiences that ‘home is where the heart always is.’ If we’re able to do that as producers, we’re home”.
Only on ZEE5 will you be able to find out when ‘Sutliyan’ will premiere.