Manju Mandavya wrote and directed Masterpiece, a 2015 Indian Kannada-language action drama movie. The movie, directed by V. Harikrishna and featuring Yash and Shanvi Srivastava, was released on December 24, 2015. This also stars Suhasini Maniratnam, P. Ravi Shankar, and Chikkanna in supporting parts. On December 24, 2015, the movie was released.
Yuva is a troublemaker in the neighbourhood who lives with his mother, sister, and sister’s son. Yuva’s connection with his family is rocky, with his mother disapproving of many of his escapades.
When Yuva was younger, his mother told him Bhagat Singh novels in the hopes that he would grow up to be like him. Yuva, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. As a result, she provides a television interview about his background and how his behaviours have been negative, giving the world the idea that Yuva is a thug. Yuva and his buddy Bruce Lee assist Noor Ahmed, a local politician, in being elected and so amassing power. Yuva falls in love with Nisha at the same time. When Nisha is caught in the middle of a police chase with a drug mafia don named Boss, Yuva knocks him out and takes him to the hospital.
Yuva’s family is threatened by different activities when Boss is admitted to the hospital. Yuva’s nephew is stolen, but he is found unhurt later that day. Yuva’s mother is abducted and held captive in a storage cupboard while everyone is visiting the shrine. Yuva frees her and knows that his family is being hunted; he seeks the commissioner for police protection, only to be insulted since the cops assume Yuva is a local thug. Yuva recognises that his family is in grave danger and begins to alter his laid-back demeanour. Yuva and Nisha are out shopping at the mall when Nisha vanishes.
Yuva becomes agitated and begins looking for her before receiving a phone call from one of Boss’s men, telling him that he must get Boss out of the hospital and back with his guys in order to save Nisha. He and Nisha are knocked out as a result of this, and Yuva is branded a drug lord.
Yuva and Nisha are taken into hiding by Noor Ahmed and Bruce Lee, where they witness his mother and sister being questioned on television. Before a riot breaks out against Yuva’s mother, his mother desires for Yuva to be apprehended by the police. Yuva knows that his family has been betrayed, and he devises a plan to assassinate Boss and his men.
Yuva and Bruce Lee kidnap Boss and his right-hand men and plan to film a movie of them before killing them. While Bruce Lee starts filming, Boss acknowledges that he had crooked cops on his side throughout his drug-dealing career and declares that India would never change. Yuva recognises Boss’s point and takes a position, declaring that while he started out wanting to make his mother proud, he has now decided to make his country proud by declaring that illicit narcotics would no longer be offered in local stores. The film concludes with Yuva executing Boss and his men, resulting in Yuva’s imprisonment. The video becomes viral across the country, resulting in a groundswell of support for Yuva.
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