Farhan Akhtar revealed his upcoming directorial endeavour, a road trip movie labelled Jee Le Zaraa, previously this year. This movie will feature Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif in the key roles. And, as the filmmaker himself has stated, the picture will begin production in 2022. He made this announcement on the day his film Dil Chahta Hai clocked 20 years. And now, the reports are coming in that there will be surprise cameos by the Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (ZNMD) lead actors- Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, and Abhay Deol in the yet-to-be-made movie.
According to India Today, “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara lead actors Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar and Abhay Deol will be making a cameo or there will be a crossover between ZNMD and Jee Le Zaraa. Farhan is trying to make the idea of merging the characters from ZNMD into JLZ for a surprise cameo.”
Well, unquestionably, this will be intriguing to see how this will merge.
Written by Farhan, Reema Kagti, as well as Zoya Akhtar, this movie is aiming for a 2023 release. Jee Lee Zaraa will depict three women at various stages of life.
Farhan captioned the announcement video, “Did someone say road trip?” Thrilled to announce my next film as director and what better day than 20 years of Dil Chahta Hai to do it. @priyankachopra in #JeeLeZaraa #KatrinaKaif @aliaa08 will commence filming in 2022 and I cannot wait to get this show on the road.”
Farhan returns to the director’s chair after nearly a decade away with Jee Le Zaraa. The last movie he directed has been Shah Rukh Khan starring Don 2.
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