The Barbie movie franchise is indeed an animated movie franchise starring Barbie, a fashion doll created by Mattel, an American toy business. The movies were routinely broadcast on the Nickelodeon cable channel from 2002 until 2017. Instead, they’ve been available on streaming sites since 2017.
Barbie in the Nutcracker, a direct-to-video film from 2001, kicked off the series. Barbie as Rapunzel, the second film in the franchise, premiered on Nickelodeon the following year. Barbie movies were published on DVD and as Nickelodeon TV specials over the next 15 years. Barbie: Video Game Hero, the 35th film in the series, was shown on television for the final time in 2017.
Barbie as that the sole CGI central protagonist is typically framed as just a modern girl relating the narrative to another one of her sisters or even a younger companion inside the Barbie movies and stories. Due to the emergence of the internet and digital media within the 1990s, the movies were developed in a bid to reinvigorate sales as well as a passion for such brands. Scholars who looked at how the Barbie movies differed from previous princess stories came to the conclusion that Mattel was attempting to repair its brand based on feminist complaints through the movies’ content.
By 2007, the first 10 movies inside the series had sold nearly $700 million in DVD and VHS units throughout the world.
Barbie’s toy sales began to drop within the 1990s, and she struggled, even more, when MGA Entertainment released the Bratz dolls, which featured sexualized personalities in opposition to Barbie’s older, chaste image. Mattel sought to revamp the Barbie brand in order to make the toy relevant to current customers by hiring experts and performing market research on important demographics. Mattel executives contemplated shrinking Barbie’s breasts at first, but subsequently stated that perhaps the doll’s form could not have been altered since “consistency is one of her greatest qualities.”
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